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Meet the team

Cliik’s Board of Directors who volunteer their time, providing governance and leadership.

Arnet Donkin

Arnet Donkin has lived in Plymouth for many years, and in North Stonehouse for over ten of those years. He has four children, three of whom live in the area. Arnet likes to think of himself as a ‘quirky, community-minded educator, creative practitioner and community builder!’ He is passionate about building community and creating change that supports greater inclusion and equality in society. With well-established skills in leading and supporting change in schools, organisations and communities, he is also happy to roll-up his sleeves and get stuck-in at a grassroots level.

Matt Pontin

Matt Pontin has lived in Stonehouse with his family for over eleven years. His background is in the arts having worked as a photographer before founding Fotonow, a creative media company based in the city. He has also worked within education, teaching in many settings. He is a committed voice for social enterprise as a sustainable option for ‘how to do business’. Matt’s main interest is in how creativity can play a role in inspiring people and communities to solve the problems on their doorstep.

Gin Farrow-Jones

Gin Farrow-Jones grew up on the edge of nearby Dartmoor. She moved to Plymouth in her late teens and after 5 years living in Brittany she returned to North Stonehouse to enjoy family life with her French partner and young son and to continue her work as an Arts Therapist in Education. Gin is the founder of the Seeds n’ Feeds community garden, a response to the social isolation, eroded community cohesion and disconnection from nature and food that she noticed in our society.  Growing food, eating together and working together to create a more sustainable future connected to nature is one of Gin’s compelling reasons for joining forces with Cliik. 

Tom Pointon


Dean Bowles

Dean Bowles was born in London and moved to Plymouth in his late teens. He has worked in various roles in construction and events management before studying Ocean Science at Plymouth University. Now the primary carer for his family he devotes his time volunteering and supporting local action within the voluntary sector. Dean is a counsellor and has supported homeless clients at the Shekinia Mission. Dean has joined Cliik as a way to help those that have become socially isolated reintegrate back into a new circular economy, regaining personal self-esteem, value and purpose through meaningful activity and economic security.

Garry Swinton - our wonderful community connections volunteer

Garry has recently moved into the area having lived and worked in communities in central London. His work as a school chaplain and ordained priest has led him to support families through many challenging moments in their lives. Garry is passionate about supporting people to be able to feel able to be ambitious in their own lives, to feel connected to others in their community and be able to feel a sense of self-worth and pride.